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SixColor, located in Guangzhou, is focused on IT maintenance outsourcing, IT solutions, IT infrastructure construction and services for foreign enterprises. Our goal is to be the best IT outsourcing service company in the South of China.
Chinese and English bilingual support, on the one hand, we provide foreign enterprises Chinese and English and international professional services, on the other hand, we provide domestic enterprises higher standard maintenance technical support and system than the market
We have a large number of small and medium-sized enterprise customers, more than 90% of our customers are foreign enterprises, including enterprises from the United States, France, Britain, Germany and other countries and from different industries, most cooperation is more than three years. Our first customer is still using our IT operation and maintenance service for the whole company. In a certain sense, SixColor has become a long-term partner of the enterprise, a virtual IT technology department and also a trusted friend.
Hi,大家好,我是Ivan ,我们公司陆彩目前已经与微软,深信服,宝利通,watchguard等国内外知名厂家合作,为企业提供 优质的产品与技术解决方案,如果你有IT上的困难与需求,欢迎随时与我们联系
你们好,我是桌面工程师Jim,陆彩软件是个最专业地信息化科技型公司,我们拥有强大的设计团队、施工集成团队,IT运维团队以及自主研发团队, 欢迎更多的伙伴与我们合作,谢谢!
大家好,我是Ken,SixColor一直致力于提供信息系统的运维支撑、信息系统咨询、IT基础架构规划、 IT系统集成、IT服务外包、信息安全、 网络安全、内网安全、数据安全、WEB应用安全、虚拟化建设、视频会议等解决方案, 为保障IT系统集成设备产品和IT信息系统的高效稳定运行,为客户提供高品质,高效率的专业技术服务。
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